Cargo Storage Box

Custom Land Cruiser 120 cargo storage box for overlanding

Phase 1 – Base platform

18mm plywood. Use of stock cargo hooks with metal tensioners.


Phase 2-Fridge, camping gears and dry food storage

Phase 2a

Quick setup of the table and chairs niche with new fridge and bolt-on dust-free groceries plastic container.

Phase 2b

Add a door with a pivot on the right to add extra accessible storage for the first response kit and some other quick-access handy stuff.


Phase 2c – Slider caddy for easier access to the fridge


Phase 2c – Replace the plastic container with stacked modular  plastic storage boxes on sliders.







Phase 3 – Rear driver side seat replacement (2/3)

To do.

Phase 4 – Rear passenger side seat replacement (1/3)

To do.



Dedicated 10mm2 line from auxiliary battery installed in the cargo area for fridge and Overlanding powered accessories such as water pump, led lights, usb charger.

Dispatch fuze box to protect multiple SAE and standard cig sockets.