J12 Wing Mirrors Deconstructed

J12 wing mirrors are easy to disassemble

Hint: Glass must be extracted from the bottom side with a flat screwdriver with light pressure. Then it can be tilted upright to be removed from the shell (defrost cable must be unplugged).

For 7 wires model,

- To remove the cable from the hanging bracket, the plug must be disassembled so that it can pass thru the holes.
Electrified and defrost mirror connector
5 wires connector

  • The interior black plastic triangle needs to be removed to access the wires connector, and then unscrew the bolt to remove the whole mirror block.
  • Both mirror parts can be disassembled once the square plastic cap located underneath is removed and screws are removed using a screwdriver.

Below pictures are taken from my broken right mirror…



I had to repaint a used black one to silver …